Protecting the Repositories and Immutability Everywhere
{Only one out of five surveyed respondents were able to {recuperate|restore|retrieve|return} their {information|info|files}, despite the fact that 80 % of {responders|interviewees} pay the ransom after a malware {assault|strike|harm|invasion}.|Only one out of five surveyed respondents were able to {recuperate|restore|retrieve|return} their {information|info|files}, despite the fact that 80 % of {responders|interviewees} pay the ransom after a malicious attack.|Only one out of five surveyed respondents were able to {recuperate|restore|retrieve|return} their {information|info|files}, despite the fact that 80 % of {responders|interviewees} pay the ransom after a malicious attempt.} {Even fewer organizations( only 16 %) recovered without paying a ransom, down from 19 % in the earlier study.|Even fewer organizations( only 16 %) recovered without having to pay a ransom, down from 19 % in the earlier study.|Even fewer organizations — only 16 %) recovered without paying a ransom, down from 19 % in the earlier study.} {Additionally, 93 % of cyberattacks directly targeted backup repositories, according to the 2023 Ransomware Trends Report, which was released in May of that year.|Additionally, 93 % of cyberattacks directly targeted backup repositories, according to the 2023 Ransomware Trends Report, which was released in May 2022.|Furthermore, 93 % of cyberattacks directly targeted backup repositories, according to the 2023 Ransomware Trends Report, which was released in May 2022.} {{Perspectives|Insight} into the use of {integrity|transparency|fixity} and protecting repositories are provided in this {statement|record|review|document}, including:|{Perspectives|Insight} into the use of {integrity|transparency|fixity} and protecting repositories are included in this {statement|record|review|document}, including:|{Perspectives|Insight} into the use of {integrity|transparency|fixity} and the preservation of repositories are provided in this {statement|record|review|document}, including:}
- {After paying the ransom, were you able to recover?|After paying the ransom, were you able to get back?|After paying the ransom, were you able to make a full recovery?}
- {Did {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} come under attack from {malware|ransom}?|Was {copy|storage} repositories the {goal|objective|destination} of the {malware|ransom} assault?|Did {copy|storage} archives get the {malware|ransom} attack’s {goal|objective|specific|destination}?}
- {How {numerous|several|countless|some} {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} were altered or deleted by the cybercriminals?|How {numerous|several|countless|some} {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} were changed or deleted by the cybercriminals?|How {numerous|several|countless|some} {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} did the cybercriminals change or remove?}
- {How are {archives|libraries} protected by {online|internet}, air-gapped, or {unchanging|eternal|changeless} {files|updates}?|How are {archives|libraries} protected by {online|internet}, air-gap, or {unchanging|eternal|changeless} {files|updates}?|How are {archives|libraries} protected using {online|internet}, air-gapped, or {unchanging|eternal|changeless} files?}
- {How much of a company’s disk-based {copy|fallback|storage} {collection|store} storage capacity is malware {proof|resilient|immune}?|How much of an organization’s disk-based {copy|fallback|storage} {collection|store|deposit} storage capacity is ransomware {proof|resilient|immune}?|What percentage of a company’s disk-based {copy|storage} {collection|store|deposit} storage capacity is immune to {malware|ransom}?}
{Just 50 % of disk-based {safe-keeping|storeroom|backup|store} is deemed resilient to ransomware, and this percentage is {somewhat|significantly|substantially} higher for big businesses.|Just 50 % of disk-based {safe-keeping|storeroom|backup|store} is regarded as resilient to ransomware, and this percentage is {somewhat|significantly|substantially} higher for big businesses.|Just 50 % of disk-based {safe-keeping|storeroom|backup|store} is thought to be resilient to ransomware, and this percentage is {somewhat|significantly|substantially} higher for big businesses.} {82 % of organizations have adopted a path towards immutable cloud, according to lessons learned about how they are protecting repositories using air-gapped or unchangeable backups.|82 % have chosen a path towards {unchanging|eternal} cloud, according to lessons learned about how {businesses|institutions} are safeguarding {archives|libraries} using air-gapped or unchangeable {files|updates}.|82 % of organizations have adopted a path towards immutable cloud, according to lessons learned about how they are protecting repositories using air-gapped or impenetrable backups.} {Compared to the prior {research|analyze|review|investigation}, these findings showed a significant boost in the use of {fog|sky|swarm} {solutions|providers|companies|service}, such as BaaS or DRaaF.|Compared to the prior {research|analyze|review|investigation}, these findings showed a significant boost in the use of {fog|sky|swarm} {solutions|providers|companies|service}, such as BaaS or DRaa S.|Compared to the prior {research|analyze|review|investigation}, these findings showed a significant boost in the use of {fog|sky|swarm} {solutions|providers|companies|service}, such as BaaS or DRaAS.} {In their current {This|That|Them|Everything} environments, more than two-thirds of businesses use {unchanging|eternal|changeless} disks and {audio|strip}.|In their current {This|That|Them|Everything} environments, more than two-thirds of organizations use {unchanging|eternal|changeless} disks and {audio|strip}.|In their current {This|That|Them|Everything} {atmosphere|surroundings}, more than two-thirds of businesses use {unchanging|eternal|changeless} disks and tape.} {For more {shows|illustrates|features|emphasizes}, watch this video or view Veeam’s 2023 Data Protection Trends Report, which was commissioned by a multinational {study|analysis|exploration|studies} {company|organization|agency} to poll businesses of all sizes in 14 different nations.|For more {shows|illustrates|features|emphasizes}, watch this video or view Veeam’s 2023 Data Protection Trends Report, which was commissioned by a {worldwide|international|world-wide|world} study {company|agency} to poll businesses of all sizes in 14 different nations.|For more {shows|illustrates|features|emphasizes}, watch this video or view Veeam’s 2023 Data Protection Trends Report, which was created in collaboration with a multinational {study|analysis|exploration|studies} {company|organization|agency} to poll businesses of all sizes in 14 different nations.} {{Perspectives|Insight} into: are provided by the 2023 Ransomware Trends Report.|The {statement|record|review|document} on 2023’s {malware|ransom} {styles|developments|tendencies|changes} offers information on:|{Perspectives|Insight} into: are provided by the 2023 Ransomware Trends Report:}
- {Corporate cooperation between {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} and digital teams, as well as their {professional|administrative|senior} leadership|Corporate cooperation between {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} and {digital|computer} teams, as well as their {professional|administrative|senior} direction|Corporate support for {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} and digital teams, as well as their {professional|administrative|senior} leadership}
- {What are the most common {event|occurrence|tragedy|affair} {reaction|reply|answer|comment} scripts and risk control roadmaps?|What are the main components of {event|tragedy|affair} {reaction|reply|answer|comment} scripts and risk control roadmaps?|What is typically included in {event|occurrence|tragedy} {reaction|reply|answer|comment} playbooks and risk control roadmaps?}
- {What is changing in {digital|computer} {coverage|comprehensive|plan|healthcare} and how were {bounties|kickbacks} paid?|How were {bounties|kickbacks} paid, and how is {digital|computer} {coverage|comprehensive|plan|healthcare} evolving?|How were {bounties|kickbacks} paid, and how is cyberinsurance evolving?}
- {How many {businesses|companies|agencies} were able to {restore|retrieve|return}, even if they had policies {certainly|no} to?|How many {businesses|companies|agencies|institutions} were able to {retrieve|return} even if they had guidelines {certainly|no} to?|How many businesses were able to {restore|retrieve|return}, even if they had {guidelines|plans|procedures|laws} {certainly|no} to?}
- {How widespread was the {assault|strike|harm|invasion}, and how much {information|info|files|statistics} did they ultimately {recuperate|restore|retrieve|return}?|How widespread was the {assault|strike|invasion}, and how much data did they {ultimately|gradually|finally|later} {recuperate|restore|return}?|How widespread the {assault|strike|harm|invasion} was, and how much {information|info|files|statistics} did they ultimately {recuperate|restore|retrieve|return}?}
- {The {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} could have been impacted, but were they unable to do so?|The {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} could have been affected, but were they unable to do so?|The {back-up|copy|fallback|storage} {archives|libraries} could have been impacted by the {crooks|scammers|thieves|offenders}, but were they unable to?}
- {How did businesses make sure that during {recuperation|healing|restoration|treatment}, their {surroundings|conditions|situations|settings} wouldn’t become infected again?|How did businesses make sure their {surroundings|conditions|situations|settings} wouldn’t become infected again while they were recovering?|How did businesses make sure that during {recuperation|healing|restoration|treatment}, their {surroundings|conditions|situations|settings} wouldn’t get infected again?}
{At VeeamON 2023, the Community Event for Data Recovery Experts in May 20, the {information|info|files|statistics} from Ransomware Trends-2023 was {initially|earliest|foremost|second} examined.|At VeeamON 2023, the Community Event for Data Recovery Experts in May 20, the {initial|primary|earliest|second} analysis of the Ransomware Trends-2023 {information|info|files|statistics} was given.|At VeeamON 2023, the Community Event for Data Recovery Experts in May 20, the {initial|primary|earliest|second} analysis of the Ransomware Trends-2023 data was presented.} {We’ll examine the {subjects|matters} below over the coming weeks, unpack the research findings, and talk about how they’re influencing {digital|computer} {endurance|toughness|resilience} plans for 2023 and above.|We’ll examine the subjects below over the coming {days|months}, unpack the research findings, and talk about how they’re influencing {digital|computer} {endurance|toughness|resilience} plans for 2023 and above.|We’ll examine the {subjects|matters} listed below over the coming weeks, unpack the research findings, and talk about how they’re influencing {digital|computer} {endurance|toughness|resilience} plans for 2023 and above.} {Keep an eye out for more in this {weblog|website|blogging|site} {collection|sequence|line|set}, with {extra|further|more} {weblog|website|blogging|site} posts and corresponding {broadcast|video} sessions, and check out our June 20 LinkedIn {Survive|Exist|Life|Lived} {program|treatment|period} on continued coverage of this series:|Keep an eye out for more in this {weblog|website|blogging|site} {collection|sequence|line|set}, with {extra|further|more} {weblog|website|blogging|site} posts and corresponding {broadcast|video} sessions, and be sure to test out our June 20 LinkedIn {Survive|Exist|Life|Lived} {program|treatment} on continued coverage of this series:|Keep an eye out for more in this {weblog|website|blogging|site} {collection|sequence|line|set}, with {extra|further|more} {weblog|website|blogging|site} posts and corresponding {broadcast|video} sessions, and be sure to test out our June 20 LinkedIn {Survive|Exist|Life|Lived} {program|treatment} on continued coverage of this series.}
- {What are organizations’ treatment plans going {ahead|forwards|frontward|forth}, and how do they plan to bounce back from the next {attack|cybercrime} or {additional|different|various|another} catastrophe?|What are organizations’ {recuperation|healing|restoration|treatment} plans for the future, and how do they plan to bounce back from the next {attack|cybercrime} or {additional|different|various|another} catastrophe?|What are organizations’ long-term {recuperation|healing|restoration|treatment} plans, and how do they plan to bounce back from the next {attack|cybercrime} or {additional|different|various|another} catastrophe?}
- {How can you make sure that while you’re recovering, you don’t re-infect your {atmosphere|surroundings|setting|culture}?|How can you make sure that while you’re recovering, you don’t infect your {atmosphere|surroundings|setting|culture} again?|How can you make sure that while recovering, you don’t re-infect your {atmosphere|surroundings|setting|culture}?}
{Please remember to {get|obtain} the complete {statement|record|document} at 2023 Ransomware Trends Report so that we can speak with you at the LinkedIn Live {program|treatment|period} on June 20.|Please remember to {get|obtain} the complete {statement|record|document} at 2023 Ransomware Trends Report if you want to {join|interact} with us at the LinkedIn Live {program|treatment} on June 20.|Please remember to {get|obtain} the complete {statement|record|document} at 2023 Ransomware Trends Report so we can speak with you at the LinkedIn Live {program|treatment|period} on June 20.} {Please feel free to get in touch with us at StrategicResearch @ if you have any questions about this project or any of the many other research projects that Veyam is currently working on.|Please feel free to get in touch with us at StrategicResearch @ if you have any questions about this project or any of the many other research projects that Veyam is working on.|Please feel free to get in touch with us at StrategicResearch @ if you have any questions about this project or any of the many other research projects that Veyam is conducting.} {The 2023 Ransomware Report: According to a survey conducted by an independent research company with 1, 200 {reactions|replies} from 14 countries, this review summarizes {almost|practically|virtually|roughly} 3, 000 cyberattacks. It is the most recent and comprehensive research report on {impartial|neutral|objective|honest} {digital|computer} victims in the {background|record|story|past} of {copy|storage} and {accessibility|supply|presence}.|The 2023 Ransomware Report: According to a survey conducted by an independent research company with 1, 200 {reactions|replies} from 14 countries, this review summarizes {almost|practically|virtually|roughly} 3, 000 cyberattacks. It is the most recent and comprehensive study review based on {neutral|objective} {digital|computer} victims in the {background|record|story|past} of {copy|storage} and {accessibility|supply|presence}.|The 2023 Ransomware Report: According to a survey conducted by an independent research company with 1, 200 {reactions|replies} from 14 countries, this review summarizes {almost|practically|virtually|roughly} 3, 000 cyberattacks and is the most recent and comprehensive study review based on {neutral|objective} {digital|computer} victims in the {background|record|story|past} of {copy|storage} and {accessibility|supply|presence}.} {To {obtain|get} all the knowledge gleaned from additional CISOs, SecPros. {This|That|Them|Everything} ops, and Backup administrators, {get|obtain|acquire|access} the complete 2023 Ransomware Trends Report.|To {obtain|get} all the knowledge gleaned from additional CISOs, SecPros. {This|That|Them|Everything} ops, and Backup administrators, {get|obtain|acquire|access} the entire 2023 Ransomware Trends Report.|To {entry|obtain|get|exposure} all the knowledge gleaned from {additional|different|various|another} CISOs, SecPros. {This|That|Them|Everything} ops, and Backup administrators, download the full 2023 Ransomware Trends Report.} {Are you interested in learning more about Veeam’s {digital|computer} {endurance|toughness|resilience} {options|remedies|alternatives}?|Do you want to know more about Veeam’s {digital|computer} {endurance|toughness|resilience} {options|remedies|alternatives}?|{Need|Desire|Wish|Like} to find out more about Veeam’s {digital|computer} resilience {options|remedies|alternatives|answers}?} {{Explore|Browse|Attend} the {webpage|site|website|section} for Veeam Ransomware Solutions.|Go to the {webpage|site|website|section} for Veeam Ransomware Solutions.|{Explore|Browse|Attend} the {webpage|site|website|section} dedicated to Veeam Ransomware Solutions.}