Digital Transformation Considerations
Veeam is proud release a the results of another research study yet, the 2023 Data Protection Trends Survey , that is the industry’s largest independent analysis on backup and information protection. This study is independent fully, representing the complete market – not merely Veeam clients – and was performed by way of a third-party research organization, without one understanding that Veeam was involved.
Since 2020, the pandemic increased Digital Transformation (DX) initiatives for most organizations. This tendency continues, however, the problems identified for DX possess shifted.
<ul> <li> In 2021 IT specialists stated that, “Concentrating on maintaining operations because of the pandemic.” has been their finest issue preventing improvement on DX initiatives. </li>
<li> In 2022 the best DX inhibitor was “Insufficient IT staff abilities or transformational knowledge.” </li>
<li> In both 2021 and 2022, the next greatest DX headwind had been “Dependencies on legacy techniques and technologies…” or specialized debt. </li>
<li> In 2023 “Cyber threats” rose to the very best of the DX inhibitor checklist, both as the utmost common issue, and also the most impactful problem. </li>
<li> In 2023, “Skills shortages” was once again number 2, and in fact generally in most CIO (Chief Details Officer) and CTO (Chief Technology Officer) surveys during the last 10 years and longer, skills position in the very best two of overall worries always, no inhibitor for DX-associated initiatives. </li>
<div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-large"> <a href="" data-wpel-link="internal" target="_blank" rel="follow noopener"> <img width="700" height="394" src="" alt class="wp-image-157066 lazyload" loading="lazy" /> <img width="700" height="394" src="" alt class="wp-image-157066" data-eio="l" /> </a> </figure> </div>
Sadly, most organizations don’t have good enough additional resources after attempting to keep up with on a daily basis operations and fending away from increasing cyberthreats and ransomware remediation (see our blog within this series entitled “Developing for Cyber-Resiliency”).
Cyberthreats certainly are a direct hindrance to DX because most companies cannot cope with the strategic if they are busy coping with tactical. The necessity to invest in DX so the organization is better in a position to meet the needs of a changing marketplace (strategic objectives) remains essential.
<figure class="wp-block-embed"> </figure> Hopefully for connecting with you on our <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer"> LinkedIn Live life sessions </a> where we shall discuss this along with other fascinating results out of this analysis <u> , </u> and be sure you download the full review at <a href="" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer"> 2023 Data Protection Trends Document </a> .
For those who have questions concerning this, or some of Veeam’s many other studies, feel free to e mail us at .
<strong> Concerning the 2023 Data Security Statement: </strong> Veeam’s Information Protection Report may be the most recent and largest research survey on data protection actually in the annals of backup and accessibility, as surveyed by an unbiased research firm with 4,200 responses from 28 nations. Download the entire 2023 Data Protection Developments Report to get accessibility to all of the latest data security insights. Want to find out about enterprise backup options at Veeam? Go to the Veeam Enterprise Backup Options Page.