
Most of our large customers today have datacenters and leverage multiple clouds to maximize flexibility and agility for meeting their business needs. Traditionally, the security for these environments has rested with different teams, each having their own tools and processes. But as our application and IT environments become more interwoven, the complexity of the environments […]

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By now, I hope you have had a chance to learn about the first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking solution we recently announced: Cisco Hypershield. As I covered in my previous blog, the unique architecture of Hypershield makes two powerful initial use cases possible: Distributed Exploit Protection and Autonomous Segmentation. Distributed Exploit Protection helps tackle the problem of the […]

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Organizations come in all shapes and sizes. From big companies to small, local companies to multi-nationals, unregulated to highly regulated — the size and sophistication of organizations operating in today’s economy is incredibly diverse. Equally, the size and sophistication of their security operations also varies. The reality is that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach […]

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