
A mobile driver’s license (mDL) is a digital representation of a physical driver’s license that’s stored on a mobile device. An mDL is a significant improvement over physical credentials, which can be lost, stolen, counterfeited, damaged, or contain outdated information, and can expose unconsented personally identifiable information (PII). Organizations are working together to use mDLs across […]

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On November 1, 2023, the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) issued its Second Amendment (the Amendment) to its Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services Companies adopted in 2017, published within Section 500 of 23 NYCRR 500 (the Cybersecurity Requirements; the Cybersecurity Requirements as amended by the Amendment, the Amended Cybersecurity Requirements). In the introduction […]

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AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is a managed service that you can use to provision, manage, and deploy public and private TLS certificates for use with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon CloudFront, Amazon API Gateway, and other integrated AWS services. Starting August 2024, public certificates issued from ACM will terminate at the Starfield Services G2 (G2) root […]

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In this blog post, we delve into using Amazon Web Services (AWS) data protection services such as Amazon Secrets Manager, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to help fortify both the security of the pipeline and security in the pipeline. We explore how these services contribute to the overall security […]

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AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is a managed service that you can use to provision, manage, and deploy public and private TLS certificates for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and your internal connected resources. Today, we’re announcing that ACM will be discontinuing the use of WHOIS lookup for validating domain ownership when you request email-validated […]

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With AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), you can simplify certificate lifecycle management by using event-driven workflows to notify or take action on expiring TLS certificates in your organization. Using ACM, you can provision, manage, and deploy public and private TLS certificates for use with integrated AWS services like Amazon CloudFront and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), as well […]

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<a href=”https://aws.amazon.com/certificate-manager/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> AWS Certificate Supervisor (ACM) </a> is really a managed service that allows one to provision, manage, and deploy private and open public SSL/TLS certificates which you can use to securely encrypt system traffic. Now you can use ACM to demand Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) certificates and associate the certificates […]

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<div> <img src=”https://www.infracom.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/pexels-dan-nelson-4973899.jpg” class=”ff-og-image-inserted” /> </div> <a href=”https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-overview.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”> AWS Certificate Supervisor (ACM) </a> is really a service that enables you to efficiently provision, manage, and deploy private and open public SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS solutions as well as your internal connected resources. The certificates released by ACM may then be […]

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